College Station Flood Information

As the professionals that home and business owners look to for sound advice when it comes to matters dealing with their largest financial investment, their home or business, it is important for you to understand flood risk in areas you serve. We wish to remind you that as a service to the community, citizens can contact the Planning and Development Services Engineering Division to obtain information such as Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) flood zone and floodway locations, flood problems not shown on the FIRM, any known historical flooding information, and areas of natural floodplain functions. Copies of elevation certificates and site-specific data are located at 1101 Texas Avenue (City Hall) and are available upon request.

Real Estate Agents

  • As a service to you, we have provided a flood risk brochure that is a good resource to hand out to clients that may be looking to purchase property.
  • Texas state law requires sellers or their agents to disclose knowledge of any natural hazards on their property, including flooding.
  • Understand the requirements: Buildings in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) must be built to minimize future flood damage. The City of College Station regulates construction and development in identified floodplains to ensure buildings are protected from flood damage. Houses that are considered substantially damaged (i.e., more than 50% of their market value) by fire, flood, or other causes must be elevated at least two feet above the Base Flood Elevation when they are repaired. This also applies to substantial improvements to a building. Any type of reconstruction work or improvement to a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure prior to the start of construction of the improvement is considered a substantial

Insurance Industry Professionals

  • Make sure you are including accurate flood hazard zone classifications in all insurance rating and property disclosure forms for commercial and residential properties. FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center website contains the latest flood maps available and includes search options by address. Visit FloodSmart’s Agent website to get information about upcoming training and answers to common client questions, as well as resources about writing policies, managing claims, and marketing your business.
  • Significant changes are occurring to the NFIP and flood insurance requirements as a result of recent legislation. Make sure you understand how these changes may impact your clients.

Lending Industry Professionals

  • You, as a lender, must inform loan applicants of any flood insurance requirements for a property. You should also make sure people are aware of any upcoming changes to flood insurance requirements as a result of map changes underway in the community.
  • Remember that it is your role as a lender to enforce the federal flood insurance requirement for properties with federally-backed loans. Failure to do so will result in penalties including significant fines.
  • The NFIP offers training for lenders on a variety of topics. To receive advance notice when new training sessions are scheduled, sign up for NFIP Training Updates.